Month: January 2014


Door Closes to Open Internet, But All May Not Be Lost

In the words of Howard Beale, the Mad Prophet of the Airwaves in the movie Network, “Woe is us! We’re in a lot of trouble!”…

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Muncie Schools- Thrown under the Buses they Tried to Save; Waiver Denied

Muncie Community Schools- Thrown under the Buses they tried to save; Waiver Denied “Victory has a thousand fathers but defeat is an orphan.”- John F.…

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Troubling Efforts to Provide Special Protections to Factory Farms Continue

Factory Farms Continue Receiving Special Treatment from Hoosier Lawmakers INDIANAPOLIS, IN – Senate Joint Resolution 9 (SJR-9), the Right to Hunt and Fish resolution, was…

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Oligarchs: These Aren’t Your Benevolent Philanthropists

Muncie, Indiana – Muncie Voice has shared lots of information about how the Oligarchs (ruling class) in our society has used their money to manipulate…

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Freedom Indiana: Harmful HJR-3 “Explanation Bill”

Statement from Freedom Indiana on HJR-3 and new “explanation” bill INDIANAPOLIS — Freedom Indiana campaign manager Megan Robertson issued this statement today following the filing…

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How Colorado Disrupted the Drug War

By David Sirota On January 7, 2014 Since my home state of Colorado legalized marijuana last week, the primary question I’ve been asked by friends,…

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Why Journalism Will be Redefined in 2014

Muncie, Indiana – There has been much written about the National Security Agency (NSA) and the documents obtained by Edward Snowden as a contract employee…

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Hoosier Lawmakers Bringing Back Controversial Ag Gag Bill

Indiana General Assembly to Start 2014 with Disappointing Return of Ag Gag Bill INDIANAPOLIS, IN – The Indiana Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee will…

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Where the Pareto Principle Falls Short

By Adam L. Penenberg On January 6, 2014 For more than a century, the “Pareto Principle,” also called the “80/20 rule,” has described, with steadfast…

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Is the NSA Spying on Congress?

By David Sirota On January 3, 2014 “Has the NSA spied, or is the NSA currently spying, on members of Congress or other American elected…

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