4 Timesavers for Female Entrepreneurs
MUNCIE, Indiana – A 2013 American Express report revealed that approximately 8.6 million businesses are owned by women in the U.S. If you are among these entrepreneurs, it may feel as though there’s never enough time in the day to get everything accomplished—especially if you have a family. Although it’s almost impossible to eliminate all of life’s nuisances, efficiency is key. Here are four timesavers that will shave off minutes from your day and give you more time for the things that really matter in life.
1. Skip the Grocery Store Trip
Online grocery shopping can be a real timesaver for small business owners. Shop online for the groceries you need during your slow periods at work and arrange for delivery to your home. If your local store does not offer delivery, it may offer a pick-up service, which will have your groceries ready for pick-up within just a few hours. Wal-Mart, for example, offers online grocery service for items that don’t require refrigeration or freezing. The retail giant also promises low prices and free shipping on many of its items. Another service, Peapod, delivers goods directly to your home, including all types of groceries, meats and produce.
2. Visit the Doctor Online
Getting sick is bad enough, but it’s especially aggravating when you have to take time out of your day to visit your doctor’s office just to get a prescription. Luckily, MeMD offers online doctor consultations and allows you to speak with a licensed healthcare provider in your state. You can find online treatment for ailments and the licensed professionals assisting you can prescribe any necessary medication.
3. Put Your Workout to Work
Exercise is important, but if you are a small business owner with a family, you may not have time to go to the gym after work. Entrepreneur.com suggests bringing the gym to your business. For example, if you own a small store where customers may trickle in throughout the day, consider putting a treadmill or elliptical machine in a break room where you can sneak in a few workouts during slow times. Just make sure that you have a buzzer on your door that will alert you that a customer has arrived.
4. Schedule No-Waiting Car Services
Like most of us, when it comes to routine car maintenance, you probably wait until the last-minute before taking your car in for service. Fortunately, some services, such as oil changes, can be done at your place of business. Check to see what car services in your area offer on-site service, and reserve an appointment during your business hours. There are also mobile car wash services that come to you, so take advantage of these options and take care of your car while it sits in your business parking lot.