Dual Monitors Equal Increased Productivity
MUNCIE, Indiana – Tablet use is on the rise. Research by analyst Ovum found 66.7 percent of the employees it surveyed used a tablet at work. Mobility is one reason people opt to use tablets. Another reason is that tablets don’t have to be used in the traditional sense to get the most out of them.
To increase productivity, add a tablet to your desktop. Apple has the iPad Air, Samsung the Galaxy Tab 3, and Google has the Nexus 7. Any of these tablets can be used effectively to boost your productivity in the office or on businesses trips.
Most office environments require employees to multi-task. For that reason, dual monitors are becoming the norm for today’s workplace. Whether employees are trying to check email, browse the Internet, or run multiple applications, a tablet can act as a second monitor and a benefit to productivity.
There are several apps that fool your desktop into thinking that you are connecting a traditional monitor to the system. Some of the available apps that can help you configure your device in a few minutes include:
- Air Display – Allows you to connect your iPad or Android device to your Mac or Windows computer or laptop as a wireless second monitor. This app costs only $9.99.
- iDisplay – Easily sets up your tablet as a second monitor. This app costs only $4.99.
Once setup is complete, you’ll have dual monitors; one of them a touchscreen display. Dual monitors will allow you to complete work more quickly, thus increasing productivity.
There are a number of apps available for tablets that can help with your work.
Work-Friendly Apps
Simplenote (iOS) or FlickNote (Android) save important screen real estate on your computer by allowing you to place notes on your tablet. This keeps your screen focused while keeping the information you need readily available. If you work with a lot of spreadsheets and other office documents, an office suite will be extremely useful, too.
Dropbox (iOS/ Android) helps to sync your files across computers or store them in the cloud. Many apps have Dropbox integration, making it easy and faster to grab files. Easy access to your files is essential so you can reference the material while you work.
Skype (iOS / Android), essentially turns your tablet into a phone. Connecting via Wi-Fi is more stable than using cell phones, calls don’t drop and the connection is clearer. It also increases productivity by allowing you to make and take calls while working.
Create a Productivity Page
Create a page dedicated to work and getting things done. Choose an organization scheme that works for you. For example, place the apps you use most often in a row at the top of the screen so they are the first thing you see. A second row might contain other commonly used apps. The third row could contain bookmarks to sites you visit frequently. Folders can be used to sort a lot of bookmarks. A multi-folder structured organization is probably better for iPad users.