
Sean Hannity Pushes Seth Rich Murder Story

By: Todd Smekens

Muncie, Indiana BLOG– If you haven’t heard about the Seth Rich murder case then our national media has done its job. This is one of the most intriguing stories – conspiracy theory – to come out of Washington in the past year. Forget all the talk about collusion with Russia by Trump and Vladimir Putin’s “campaign to influence the 2016 election”. This one is actually more believable. In fact, it’s even more interesting to watch it play out then #RussiaGate.

In the United States today, we have been struggling with yellow journalism at our corporate-run media for so long, when the hashtag, #FakeNews is tossed out by the Washington Post on over 200 media sources, many of them credible journalists, it raises a red flag. When both the New York Times and WaPo simultaneously brand themselves as “serious journalism” it raises red flags.

And then there is Fox News. I’ve written countless articles dismissing this fraudulent Rupert Murdoch & now deceased, Roger Ailes, media interest. Donald Trump and the entire right-wing lunacy this country has undergone in recent years can be attributed to Fox News. Well, Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton get some of the credit. Monica’s case was nothing until Roger Ailes took the reigns at Fox News and ran the story relentlessly. Monica wrote an editorial in the New York Times about her experience recently. It put Fox News on the map and conservatives lapped it up.

Enter stage right, Sean Hannity. Either loved by his faithful followers or despised for his brand of hatred. He’s the only media figure who will touch the Seth Rich murder story. Even Fox News has published on Twitter that it will not follow the story because the parents have sent a letter to Fox News requesting a “cease and desist”. The Democratic Party hired a spokesman for the Rich family. To me, this is another red flag in this continuing saga.

Seth Rich was a major supporter of Bernie Sanders who worked as a data analyst for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) during the 2016 presidential primaries. As you know, when Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (also a Bernie Sanders supporter) saw the tactics to be used against Bernie Sanders, she resigned her post. In fact, she’s become a major thorn in the democratic establishment ever since. Her stock is on the rise with progressives who want her to run for president in 2020.

In addition to Tulsi’s resignation, the DNC claims it was hacked many important emails were stolen from their servers. The FBI got involved, but for some reason was denied access. The recently fired FBI Director, James Comey’s story about this is a little sketchy. Supposedly he worked with other intelligence agencies and they concluded that Russian hackers were responsible. I’ve also posted on Facebook countless articles blowing up this myth because as of today, there is no evidence of a hack.

Julian Assange and Wikileaks enters the picture because they received the emails absconded from the DNC and posted them online during the presidential campaign showing excerpts from Hillary’s Wall Street speeches and also the tactics with “journalists from major media sources” to quash Bernie Sanders run against Hillary. By the way, there is a lawsuit underway against the DNC for the actions they took against Bernie Sanders. This adds, even more, flare to this whole story.

Julian Assange repeatedly denies Russia was the source of the emails Wikileaks posted from the DNC. In fact, he said the emails weren’t hacked, but “leaked”. This means it was an inside job. Someone removed the emails and sent them to Wikileaks. This is where Seth Rich, nicknamed Panda, comes into the story. Seth was supposedly murdered in a “failed robbery” with two fatal gunshots close to his home. It’s still unsolved.

Within the past week, an online New Zealand internet mogul named Kim Dotcom made the claim that Seth Rich leaked the emails to Wikileaks and he has proof.

So, Sean Hannity is 100% convinced. His fellow coworkers are all appalled he’s following this story. Fox News has denounced the story as a conspiracy theory.

Does anyone else see the irony of Roger Ailes’ death, Monika Lewinsky’s editorial and the story which put Fox News on the map? All this while Fox News is crumbling in the ratings. The way I see this playing out is one of two ways:

  1. Kim Dotcom is a major con artist and his Seth Rich claim is bogus causing Sean Hannity to get fired dealing a death knell to Fox News; or
  2. This is the biggest story in Washington since Monica Lewinsky and Sean Hannity becomes the savior of Fox News, vintage Roger Ailes.

It’s the classical tale of ‘Hero or Goat’. I can tell you that both sides of the aisle are watching this play out quietly and cautiously. If true and Hannity’s gamble pays off, the repercussions are dire for the intelligence community, WaPo and New York Times, and the DNC. Instead of Trump on the firing line…Hillary Clinton and DNC staff will be in the hot seats in Washington.

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