
Who’s Fighting Against Your Health?

With all the censorship occurring in the media marketplace, my writing has been restricted. With the ISPs now in control of the internet thanks to the Trump appointed FCC, it’s only going to get worse. However, I’ve kept up my daily writing and reading in the morning on Sheila Kennedy’s blog. Sheila is a professor who is solidly entrenched in the Democratic National Party. Most of the problems in the world are attributed to the GOP while the DNC are given a pass. True progressives see beyond polarized politics. We also see capitalism for what it is…a profit-seeking enterprise for the well connected. No other industry or sector in our economy displays this more than healthcare.

Sheila pointed out an article written by Thom Hartmann, another progressive on most matters. Thom points out the Canadian system of health where their nationalized ID system serves as both your health card and voter identification. It can be used to allow Canadians entry into a airport so they can board a plane. Our BMV is doing a version of this now with the “star” on the upper right hand corner of your driver’s license.

However, she then points to the GOP as not wanting voters to be endorsed en masse because it will hurt their chances of winning elections. Therefore, the GOP is the “main obstructive force” in preventing Americans from getting universal healthcare. This is a JOKE.

It’s hard to believe that an educated person could print such nonsense when her own Democratic National Party refuses to support universal healthcare because their donors are 100% against it. And not only is the healthcare industry against the idea, so are many other connected industries.

Take a trip into the future where the healthcare industry is actually charged with keeping people healthy. Don’t forget, 85-90% of all diseases are preventable. Imagine an industry charged with keeping people out of the hospital versus keeping beds full. They are paid an annual stipend to manage. Could you imagine how many prevention and wellness classes we’d have in our community?

If our physicians were responsible for our wellness…like wellness advocates, guess what other industries would be under scrutiny by our physicians?

How quickly would our air be cleaned up? Do you think Indiana would have four super coal-burning power plants? What about all the factory farms who inject their meat with antibiotics and steroids and then spread their waste over our land contaminating the soil and water? Where do you think contaminated lettuce comes from?

What about the liquor industry? How many diseases are caused by liquor which aren’t called by physicians as for the cause of death?

The tobacco industry might come under scrutiny. What about the sugar industry? What about food production? How would the medical industry and pharmaceutical industries work together?

Can you think of other industries negatively impacting our health? They’d all come under scrutiny if they contribute to our poor health. The government would actually be tasked with keeping its population healthy so it could save money. Today it’s about profiting from sick people which have all kinds of moral issues. Take a look at the wellness broken down by counties in Indiana. What’s more telling is looking at the USA map of wellness. Can you believe it has a strong correlation with the poorest states who also vote conservatively? 


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