
A Letter to Muncie Democrats

By: Todd Smekens

I wanted to reach out to registered Muncie Democratic voters who are swearing off all democratic candidates because of the corruption within the Nichol’s family and the HQ at 214 N. Walnut Street (214 for short).

In case you didn’t know, not all candidates are products of the Nichol’s and Tyler regime. In other words, don’t stay home next month. Get out and vote for those candidates not carrying the torch for 214. These community members have invested their time, energy and money to make a difference in our community and are not affiliated with corruption. In fact, many are running because of the failings of the Tyler administration.

I’ve read plenty of comments from Muncie residents under multiple posts this Spring that self-proclaimed local Democrats will be staying home during the primary and voting straight Republican in November’s general election.

I can certainly understand these feelings of disgust.

Larry Riley recently wrote a hit piece on Terry Whitt Bailey, the 214 mayoral candidate. I agreed with his post. There were Democrats who are tired of the corruption and didn’t want to bother sorting out the good Democrats from the bad ones. Again, I understand this stance.

This is why I am writing this article. Separating the 214 candidates from those running outside Nichol’s control is rather simple. First, the mayoral candidates–the only 214 backed candidate is Terry Whitt Bailey. She was a department head for Dennis Tyler and occupied the office across the hall from Craig Nichols, now serving a federal sentence in a Florida prison.

The mayoral democratic candidates operating outside 214 with links to the local paper’s profiles are:

►Andrew Dale (check out

►Kenneth R. Davenport

►Saul Riley

►Dave Smith (Dave has been asked by 214 to withdrawal from the race)

Okay, for City Clerk, there is Aimee West.

For City Council At-Large, you’ve got Audie Barber, Linda Gregory, WaTasha Barnes Griffen, and Sarah Beach.

For the remaining City Council Districts, you have Jeff Robinson in District 2. Mark Kinman in District 3.

Let’s be honest folks; the only way 214 leadership will take action in cleaning house is if they continue losing elections. Last year’s county elections were a clear signal to 214 to clean up their mess or get used to losing elections.

Democratic voters don’t have to vote for Republicans to get their message across. Informed voters can make their point in the City of Muncie primaries. We have an opportunity to rebuke all candidates put forth by 214. Losing elections and losing power is the only way to force the local party to clean house. Tossing in the towel on all democrats is not a very good strategy.

If I missed anyone, please let me know so I can update accordingly.

  • On 4/17/19, Sarah Beach was added as an independent democrat and is not being supported by 214.
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