Muncie City Election 2019
By: Todd Smekens
I’ll be updating this article throughout the day as we get reports about the city primary election. I’ve heard lots of projections. “The scandal was cause a blow out at 214!” is a common theme. I’ve heard that Craig’s offense did was business as usual so nobody will care.
Another common theme is apathy. People have just stopped caring for whatever reason. Political analysts will have lots of discussion on the causes of this. More importantly, the great philosopher, Plato, warned us, “The apathetic voter will lead us to be lead by our inferiors.”
The word is Kakistocracy and it’s already among us. It’s why thieves come and go, regardless of party, and leave the voter even more cynical and dejected. These attributes lead to apathy which leads to an even worsening kakistocracy. It’s circular like flushing a toilet…it swirls at the same time it gets lower and closer to its final destination. In our case, we keep lowering the bottom. Will this be the year to snap us voters out of the funk? Do we even bother flushing anymore?
Early voting was, “Abysmal and disappointing.”
From several precincts texting results this morning…”Very quiet here!”…”Nothing here.” And then we have this sad one, “The early rush never came!”
It’s 9:15am: I’ll update more but I honestly expected the Democratic outsiders to get rousing support. Maybe folks know the weather is no problem so they’ll take their merry old time.
It’s 9:15pm: Much like the early voting and turnout…”abysmal and disappointing.”
The corrupt democrats…every single one of them were elected. I can remember when I had a friend place one of my campaign signs in her yard and she got a phone call from the landlord “telling” her to remove it immediately. My friend apologized and removed it. Apparently, the landlord’s nephew had a job mowing grass for the county and was told if he wanted to keep it, “Get that Smekens’ sign out of the yard!”
So, after a 3-4+ year continuing FBI investigation with an arrest of the 214 Ring Leader’s son, the Democrats on the ground still fear not voting for them more than showing complicity with crimes committed.
Are they getting special tax deductions in addition to jobs? What about building permits? What else do these citizens/neighbors receive that other citizens do not?
Anybody in this town got any guts left? Are any courageous players willing to step forward?
Do the parties control the voting systems so well that each vote is traced back to registered voters so punishment can be delivered?
How about the dirt they have on you? Does that make you beholden to the machine?
Abysmal and disappointing doesn’t begin to describe what was witnessed yesterday in Muncie, Indiana.