
Simple Pain Management Techniques for Workers

Does your job hurt you? Of course, many people feel physically and mentally drained at the end of the day, but do you feel physical aches and pains? If you do, it could signify that something is wrong at work, and you donā€™t have a safe working environment.Ā 

However, it can be hard to create a properly safe working place in many industries, especially if your job involves manual labor. And if youā€™re someone who does a lot of heavy lifting, thereā€™s a good chance youā€™re in lots of pain at work. But even so, thereā€™s plenty you can do to manage this, and many of these methods are simple.

Ask for a Risk Assessment

Employers will notice when youā€™re in pain at work. If your boss doesnā€™t, a co-worker or a supervisor will and is likely to mention something. And itā€™s at this moment that youā€™ve got the chance to put an end to whatā€™s causing you pain at work! After all, if your pain is purely from working, you can ask for a risk assessment.

A risk assessment is there to prove if something is wrong with the job and if itā€™s causing you the pain youā€™re experiencing. If the assessment results prove there is a health and safety issue, things can be changed around to stop you from being so impacted in the future. But if nothing needs to change, it means you can focus on other management techniques.Ā 

Start Using Some Topical Products

If youā€™re not someone for popping a pill now and then, you can start using creams instead. This way, you can better control the dosage you receive, and itā€™s much easier to rub a bit of cream in instead of carrying a pillbox around with you all the time! You also have to consider that off-site medications are often not allowed in the workplace as well.Ā 

But what kind of topical products should you use? Again, if you don’t have a prescription from a doctor, youā€™ve got freedom of choice. For example, many people turn to hemp cream for pain, CBD pain relief to help with muscle aches, cuts, and bruises, and this kind of product could also work out well for you.

Stretch After Work

Finally, think about doing 10 to 15 minutes of stretching when you finish a shift. This will help you banish the stiffness/soreness that comes with working a heavy 8-hour shift and will stop any pains from cropping up the next morning as well.Ā 

What stretching should you do? You can follow a great video tutorial right here for a quick run-through of a full stretching circuit. Otherwise, try to pick up a few Yoga moves and practice them morning and night.Ā 

If you experience pain at work, think about the cause, and then you can do something about it.

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Todd Smekens

Journalist, consultant, publisher, and servant-leader with a passion for truth-seeking. Enjoy motorcycling, meditation, and spending quality time with my daughter and rescue hound. Spiritually-centered first and foremost. Lived in multiple states within the USA and frequent traveler to the mountains.

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