What Health Screening Do I Need
Why do I need a health screening? Throughout our lives, our bodies can change as they respond to different environments, conditions, and elements that can affect how we live our lives. You can never predict what will happen to your body healthwise; even the most healthy people can find themselves struck down unexpectedly due to accidents or sudden illnesses they couldn’t foresee.
It can seem like a wasted effort to book an appointment if you are feeling fine. However, some medical concerns can be preempted, and one way to find out your risk of developing complications is to undergo regular health screenings with your doctors and specialists. Still, many health insurance policies think highly of preventative care, meaning you can get more outstanding help and assistance if you maintain regular appointments rather than requiring emergency treatment.
So, what type of appointments should you be maintaining for complete health and early warning signs of potential complications.
Eye Exams
Your eyesight can change a lot over time. Making sure you are booking in to regularly have a health screening for your eyes can help you avoid significant complications. In addition, your optician can advise you on any treatments or glasses to wear, and you risk developing particular eye-related conditions. This is especially important once you reach the age of 40 as your eyesight can change a lot after this age.
Ear Exams
Our hearing is under constant assault from day-to-day lifestyles and activities. Therefore, it is to be expected that you will experience some hearing issues in your lifetime. Be it infections, damage to your ear, or hearing loss. In the case of hearing loss, you should consult a hearing specialist who can advise you on how to address your hearing concerns best and give you advice on hearing tests.
Blood Pressure
A blood pressure test measures the pressure that builds up in your arteries as your heart pumps blood across them. The doctor may perform a blood pressure test as part of a routine visit or a screening for high blood pressure in some situations (hypertension). In addition, some people use a home blood pressure monitor to keep a better check of their cardiovascular health. Many people experience unwanted health conditions and symptoms due to high blood pressure, and monitoring your blood pressure means you can get the treatment you need.
If you cannot successfully control your blood pressure with lifestyle changes, your doctor may prescribe medication. If you have low blood pressure, the symptoms you experience will vary depending on the underlying cause. You and your doctor can work together to determine the best course of action for you.
Cholesterol Screenings
Keeping your cholesterol levels under control is essential. High cholesterol raises the risk of heart disease and stroke. Knowing your cholesterol level through regular health screenings might help you maintain good health. The body needs cholesterol to generate hormones and break down fats.
Your body produces all the cholesterol you need, but you can also acquire it from meals like egg yolks and fatty meats. High blood cholesterol can cause artery plaque accumulation, increasing your risk of heart disease and stroke. Because high blood cholesterol has no symptoms, it is vital to have it examined.