We’ve learned that Republican State Representative Elizabeth Rowray has been hired by the Delaware County-Muncie Chamber of Commerce and Delaware Advance Corporation to head their economic development efforts in Muncie, Indiana. Elizabeth, who lives in Yorktown, will retain her primary position as a state representative.
We’ve sent the publicist of Elizabeth Rowray an email to see if she will be supporting the locally-owned free press in Delaware County and Muncie with a live-here, buy here mentality versus the former president, Jay Julian. Mr. Julian preferred to support propaganda media entities owned by out-of-town multi-national companies and oligarch-controlled platforms.
Even the Muncie mayor uses our tax dollars to pay remote workers to live here. Still, he won’t support locally-owned free press agencies like Middletown Media, who owns Muncie Voice, or The Manifest Destiny. We can’t include the Ball State-run media entities because the statehouse controls them and local oligarchs fund them.
Furthermore, the City of Muncie pays Woof Boom Radio to cover their events instead of supporting locally-owned media. The owner of Woof Boom Radio lives in Greenfield, IN.
It’s hard to rally a community around Chamber initiatives when they don’t support locally-owned businesses. Maybe Mrs. Rowray will provide better leadership even if her status is only part-time.
We’ve also asked her publicist what her thoughts were on the transfer of major assets from the City of Muncie to Delaware Advancement Corporation and if that would continue under her leadership. We’ll update this article once we hear back.