Business: 5 Ways to Increase Productivity at Work
– Productivity and operational efficiency are at the heart of profitability and growth, so streamlining the way an organization provides goods and services is high on the list of priorities for managers at all levels. Increasing productivity is a multi-faceted ambition, calling for a significant amount of consideration from managers, who consistently strive to get the most from their employees.
Running lean is the order of the day for successful businesses – many of which are still recovering from the recent economic downturn. Layoffs and cash flow issues forced many producers to reconsider the structure of their businesses, calling on employees to pick up additional responsibilities. As a result, peak productivity is center-stage at most facilities, prompting executives and managers to seek answers to the perennial question: “What does it take to increase productivity in the workplace?”
Fill the Toolbox
Maximum efficiency is a fleeting notion in today’s rapidly evolving, tech-influenced business environment. As soon as best practices and industry standards are established, they begin to change, creating the framework for the next wave of touchstones for success. Efficient managers recognize that high productivity relies on state of the art tools and methods, so they consistently strive to provide staff members with whatever they need to perform at high levels.
In some cases, technological enhancements are what’s required to grease the wheels of productivity, but there are other ways to stimulate success. Education and training, such as, equip staffers with cutting-edge knowledge about the industries they work in, enabling them to stay competitive by using innovative approaches.
Balanced Management Motivates Employees
Staying in favor among employees is important for managers and executives, but they must also vigorously represent organizational needs. Balancing the call of duty with the needs of staffers is a priority for successful managers, who consistently seek the sweet spot between chaos on one end of the spectrum and micro-management on the other.
Empathy plays a role in the relationship between bosses and their employees. While their obligations to the company may prevent them from acting in certain ways, bosses who show consistency and understanding cannot be faulted by their staff. Fair, yet firm guidance is appropriate in most cases, with prevailing industry standards determining acceptable behavior on the job. Productivity is highest when employees feel as though their needs are considered along those of the organization.
Lead by Example
Managers mobilize support and productivity by exhibiting values their employees can relate too. In a similar way, the entire culture of an organization reflects the way upper executives and upper-level managers conduct themselves on the job. Just as children emulate their parents’ qualities – for better or worse, staffers adopt the prevailing standards they experience in the workplace. Lost productivity could be a result of lax standards emanating from above, resulting in regressive double standards. Successful business leaders display the core values of their companies through their actions, furnishing tangible examples of what the organization stands for.
Respond to Feedback
Productivity is highest when employers recognize their employees’ priorities and respond to the feedback they provide. Most job roles are highly specialized, so the individuals’ carrying-out work tasks are best-equipped to offer suggestions for improvements to the workflow. While managers give their own brand of insight, they are well-served to take employee feedback to heart; resulting improvements may raise productivity. On the other hand, failing to respond to employee concerns undermines morale and doesn’t acknowledge the important contributions they make.
Offer the Right Rewards and Incentives
Performance incentives take various forms, which don’t always address employee needs. Effective leaders use targeted benefits to inspire productivity, striving to answer employee wants and needs precisely. Child care accommodations, for example, serve as coveted benefits because they decrease job-related stress levels and offer solutions for real-life challenges.
Fair compensation facilitates productivity among workers who believe they are making an equitable trade-off, exchanging time and expertise for cash. But keeping employees motivated over the long-term requires creative incentives. By giving employees what they need to achieve success, and considering their wants and needs alongside those of the company, effective business leaders get the most out of their staff members.