
How To Increase Outdoor Time With Kids

In a world that is increasingly digitized, it’s more important than ever to get outside and enjoy nature. This blog post will provide some tips on how to increase outdoor time with your kids. Spending time in the sun and fresh air has countless benefits for both children and adults alike. But unfortunately, many parents find it challenging to get their kids outdoors and active.

Plan fun activities

Kids are more likely to want to go outside if they have something fun to do. So plan ahead by looking up local hiking trails, parks, or playgrounds. If you live near a beach, consider planning a trip there for the day. There are also many outdoor games that can be played, such as frisbee or tag.

Another great way to get kids outdoors is to enroll them in sports leagues or other outdoor activities. This will not only give them something fun and active to do, but it will also allow you to meet other parents with similar interests. Finally, consider making a daily or weekly schedule for outdoor time. This way, it will become a regular part of your child’s routine, and they will be less likely to resist it.

Lead by example

If you want your kids to spend more time outdoors, it’s vital that you set an example. Make a point of spending time outside yourself, whether it’s going for a walk around the block or taking the dog for a run. Kids are more likely to follow your lead if they see that you’re enjoying yourself. You can also use this time to bond with your kids and teach them about nature.

Another great way to get your kids interested in spending time outdoors is to take them camping or on other outdoor adventures. This is a great way to create lasting memories and instill a love of nature in your children.

Limit screen time

One of the biggest obstacles to getting kids outdoors is their dependence on screens. TVs, phones, and computers can be very addictive, especially for children. It’s important to set limits on screen time so that your kids have more time to play outside. Try setting a rule that screens can only be used after an hour of outdoor play. You can also use this as an opportunity to teach your kids about healthy balance and moderation.

In addition, try to make sure that your kids are getting enough sleep. A tired child is less likely to want to go outside and play. So make sure they are getting at least eight hours of sleep every night so that they have the energy to enjoy the outdoors.

Get the whole family involved

Finally, one of the best ways to get your kids outside more is to make it a family affair. Plan outdoor activities that everyone can enjoy, such as picnics, hikes, or days at the beach. This will help your kids see that spending time outdoors is a fun and important part of life.

Also, consider involving your kids in yard work or gardening. This is a great way to teach them about the importance of taking care of the natural world as well as useful skills they’ll be able to use in their own home one day. And it’s a lot more fun than it sounds!

Give them a reason to be outside 

If you want your kids to spend more time outside, give them a reason to be there. This could mean buying some new outdoor toys or setting up a playset in the backyard. You could consider having a look at where you’ll be able to find the best playground equipment for your kids to enjoy all day long. You can also try planting a garden together or getting a pet that needs to be walked. Whatever you do, make sure that your kids have something to keep them occupied while they’re outside.

In addition, try to make the outdoors more appealing by setting up a comfortable place to sit or play. This could be a hammock, a picnic blanket, or some lawn chairs. By making the outdoors more inviting, you’re more likely to get your kids to spend time there.

By following these tips, you’ll be sure to get your kids outdoors more often. Just remember to be patient and have fun! After all, spending time in nature is supposed to be enjoyable for everyone involved. So have fun and enjoy the great outdoors.

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Todd Smekens

Journalist, consultant, publisher, and servant-leader with a passion for truth-seeking. Enjoy motorcycling, meditation, and spending quality time with my daughter and rescue hound. Spiritually-centered first and foremost. Lived in multiple states within the USA and frequent traveler to the mountains.
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