
5 Beauty Treatments That Are Safe for Pregnant Clients

If you own a beauty salon, chances are you’ve encountered a pregnant client looking for treatments to pamper themselves with. As a salon owner, it’s important to provide these clients with the safest services possible. We’ve compiled this list of five beauty treatments that are suitable for soon-to-be parents, from massage therapy techniques to therapeutic facials. Read on for all the best beauty treatments that pregnant clients can enjoy!


Facials are a great way for pregnant clients to relax and take care of their skin. Choose gentle creams or lotions that don’t contain any harsh chemicals, retinol, or vitamin A derivatives. Avoid extractions and exfoliating treatments, as these can cause irritation.


Massages are a wonderful way to reduce stress and relieve aches and pains throughout pregnancy. Before beginning the massage, make sure that your pregnant client is comfortably lying on their side, and be sure to avoid any pressure points or areas near their abdomen. You can also use pregnancy pillows to make the massage more comfortable.

Manicures and Pedicures

Mani-pedis are another beauty treatment that’s safe for pregnant clients, given you take a few precautions. Use a non-toxic nail polish or opt for a natural nail buff instead. Make sure to avoid cuticle removers and massage oils that contain essential oils, as these can be harmful. Also, be sure to thoroughly disinfect all tools before use.

Hair Care

Hair care is a great way to make your pregnant clients feel beautiful, but there are some special considerations to keep in mind when providing this treatment. Choose gentle shampoos and conditioners specifically formulated for pregnant clients, and avoid using any chemicals near the scalp. Additionally, be sure to use a hair dryer or styler set at its lowest temperature setting to keep from damaging the hair.

Lash Lifts

Lash lifts are an increasingly popular beauty treatment for pregnant clients looking to add volume and drama to their lashes. This treatment uses a semi-permanent solution to curl the lashes, giving them a lifted look. People wonder if lash lifts are safe for pregnant clients. To ensure the pregnant woman’s safety, the most important thing is to avoid using any harsh chemicals and perform a patch test to make sure your client isn’t sensitive or allergic to the formulas you’re using.

Pregnancy is a time of great change for your clients, and being able to offer them safe beauty treatments can make the transition smoother. By understanding the best treatments for pregnant clients and providing them with appropriate, beneficial options, you’ll be helping them stay healthy and glowing.

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