Press ReleasesEducation

Education Hub To Combat Learning Loss

Education Support Hub has been refocused to promote summer and after-school programs.

Education Support Hub, Muncie, Indiana — Students, parents, staff, and members of the Muncie community have a new resource designed to make finding summer and after-school learning programs easier. The Education Support Hub provides information about summer camps, after-school options, and community programs. Many of these programs are free or low-cost for families. It is a free service offering email subscriptions, social media feeds, and forms to request assistance or suggest updates. The program is made possible with funding and partnership from the Ball Brothers Foundation, the Indiana Department of Education, and the Ball State University Teachers College.

The Education Support Hub has been completely redesigned to shift the focus from COVID support to fighting learning loss that too often occurs when children are not in school.  “Innovative and collaborative accelerated learning activities must be implemented to increase academic momentum for all Muncie students,” stated Sari Ruth Harris, Assistant Director, Office of Teacher Education Services and Clinical Practice, Ball State University.  These summer learning opportunities are open and available to all students to help overcome some of the gaps in learning due to COVID.  Research has shown that students who don’t read proficiently by the end of grade 3 will struggle to learn for a long time.  We’re offering various engaging summer activities focused on helping students gain proficiency in the early grades and build on that proficiency as they advance.

Indiana Department of Education data released in November of 2022 showed that nearly one in five Hoosier third graders still need to achieve reading proficiency on a recent assessment.

Local community members can visit the Education Support Hub at, subscribe to email updates, or follow on Facebook or Twitter.

About the Education Support Hub: The Education Support Hub is a timely, in-depth supplementary resource for professionals, parents, students, and members of the Muncie community. We aim to provide essential information about physical and mental health, nutrition, online learning, and technology support related to each school.

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