Glenda Ritz Files Lawsuit Against Education Board
Muncie, Indiana – Glenda Ritz filed a lawsuit to stop the politicizing by Mike Pence who has done everything in his power and beyond to circumvent publicly elected Glenda Ritz to Superintendent of Education.
As we indicated back in August, Gov. Mike Pence and Daniel Elsener, President of Marian College have done everything in their power to cut Glenda Ritz out of the educational mission in Indiana. Back in August, Glenda released the following:
“Partnerships require communication. Unfortunately, Superintendent Ritz learned about the creation of this new agency through news reports, rather than from Governor Pence. Superintendent Ritz has met with the Governor on many occasions, including as recently as two days ago. However, neither he, nor his office, mentioned the creation of this new agency until this morning.”
Muncie Voice has reached out to Marian College, a Christ centered institution, to question the ethics of Mr. Elsener who was appointed to the Board by Mike Pence as an “independent” when he is clearly a republican based on his voting records. The appointment violated state policy as to the required make-up of the Board.
In response to apparent violations of the Open Door Law by members of the State Board of Education, Superintendent of Public Instruction Glenda Ritz filed suit today naming ten members of the Board as defendants. The lawsuit alleges that the named members of the State Board violated Indiana’s Open Door Law by taking action in secret by drafting, or directing the drafting of, a letter they sent to President Pro Tempore Long and Speaker Bosma dated October 16, 2013. The suit seeks to prevent the State Board of Education from continued violations of the Open Door Law and declaratory relief.
For more details, visit: Glenda Ritz Lawsuit