Philanthropists in Muncie Finally Show Love for MCS
: Todd Smekens
Muncie, IN Blog
– The typical sycophants were cheering for Muncie’s Elite as the checks start rolling into Muncie Community Schools after Ball State University official replaced the democratically elected school board. According to The StarPress:
BSU President Geoffrey Mearns announced the Ball Brothers Foundation and the George and Frances Ball Foundation each have pledged $1 million in aid. In addition, First Merchants Bank, Mutual Bank and Old National Bank will contribute $250,000, $250,000 and $300,000, respectively. The Harry and Janet Kitselman and Shafer Foundation donated another $50,000 and $100,000.
Mearns didn’t even have to ask for help from the Shafer organization, which called him after hearing about the other gifts.
And where are all our elected officials on the school board who just got eliminated?
Did they also cut deals behind closed doors like Mearns and everyone else who pillaged Muncie Community School system?
Time will tell.
The obvious question is, “Why weren’t these philanthropic organizations assisting the school district over the past several years if they were so concerned about our kids?”
Why didn’t the trust fund babies save MCS before it had to sell the prime real estate in Muncie to BSU (the state)?
Don’t forget, the state lawmakers are the ones who cut school budgets, to begin with, and the state-appointed managers sold off Northside Middle School property for peanuts. I am still waiting for the lawsuit on that conflict of interest “deal” to manifest.
When the Indy lawmakers failed to pass HB 1315 earlier this year during their regular session, I wonder how fast Jud Fisher was on the phone with the governor seeking a special session to complete this deal which took place behind closed doors.
Don’t forget; the main albatross was a former CFO who spent $10 million in capital project bond funds for operations back in 2014-15. The school board had NO clue about the lost money until about the fourth CFO after the fact. To this day there has been no arrest or indictment(s) despite state lawmakers calling Muncie a “cesspool” and Rep. Tim Brown and Speaker Brian Bosma repeatedly saying that “illegal acts took place at Muncie Schools.”
Oh, and if you’re interested in joining this charade, board applications are floating around for you to complete. Although, don’t you imagine BSU has already chosen the new board by now? Everything else is for the show.
Watching this will be fun as our community leaders continue using WLBC Radio/Muncie Journal and The StarPress to spread their propaganda. As I spoke with Dr. Michael Hicks today on Twitter, “We are anxious to see how BSU will convince all the white families to quit driving their kids to county schools and bring them back to MCS.”
Before I go, please one more applause for the courageous philanthropic efforts of Muncie’s Elite.
Muncie is continuously redefining leadership, and it’s getting hard to tell the crooks from the good guys since they all wear suits.