Julian Assange Hearing Scheduled for Aug 11th – It’s a Political Sham
US Justice Department – Release Assange Instead of Belaboring this Sham Legal Process
As I’ve pointed out many times, it’s time for the US Justice Department to drop the charges against Julian Assange. There is a hearing coming up this week in London (8/11) to discuss the extradition. Still, it will be a farce no matter what case is presented because this case is about one thing — a pissed-off witch named Hillary Clinton who was embarrassed over losing her presidential bid to a half-witted reality TV host. Even four years of Mueller vetting and Rachel Maddow rants couldn’t produce a shred of evidence to support Hillary’s and John Podesta’s case about Russian hackers at the DNC.
Why Rupert Murdoch paid a seven-figure settlement to Seth Rich’s family earlier this year remains a mystery. The propaganda says Sean Hannity pushed the narrative that Seth Rich was murdered because he was the contact for Wikileaks. Seth downloaded the emails and gave them to Wikileaks for publishing against Hillary Clinton. What’s fascinating is why Fox News owner gave the Rich family a retirement nest egg for an unsolved crime in Washington D.C.?
Remember the article from Oscar Grenfell:
The new pages reveal that one of the focuses of the Mueller investigation was laying the groundwork for criminal charges against Assange and WikiLeaks under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
This was premised on the assertion that the internal Democratic National Committee (DNC) communications and emails of Clinton’s campaign chair, John Podesta, were hacked by the GRU Russian military intelligence agency before being published by WikiLeaks.
In May, it was revealed that CrowdStrike, a cyber security company handpicked by the Democratic Party to examine the DNC servers had been unable to find evidence that documents had ever been exfiltrated from them. In other words, there may not have been any successful hack, Russian or otherwise.
This aligned with Assange’s repeated insistence that Russia was not the source of the material. It lent weight to the claims of WikiLeaks collaborator and former British diplomat, Craig Murray, who has stated that he has personal knowledge of the source of the DNC documents, and that they were provided by “disgruntled insiders.”
Journalism is Not a Crime
As for releasing documents relating to war crimes, Antony Blinken and Joe Biden should know this is journalism. A free press collects evidence against the government, showing they’ve abused their power. In this case, with the help of Chelsea Manning, the US Military was shown murdering innocent civilians and journalists working for Reuters. None of the war criminals have seen a day in court.
The US Department of Justice…well, the entire US government has been running around the world dictating to our media stenographers that press freedom is essential for a functioning democracy. Yet, globally, the US and UK rate 44th and 34th, respectively, because they poorly handle whistleblowers, or sources, for journalists and news publishers. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been advocating press freedom and democracy while we torture Assange, and our press is nothing more than government stenographers.
Sadly, the case against Julian Assange is a fraud. He is merely being punished by authoritarians for making the US/UK Military-Industrial Complex look bad, and he upset her majesty, Hillary Clinton. So let’s open the hearing up to the world so we can all witness the sham taking place in the UK this week. How badly is Boris kissing the arse of the US government?
Let the whole world witness this sham against a journalist and publisher who did his job like all the media should be doing if they hadn’t sold out their press powers decades ago.