Department of Justice Should be Investigating the Military-Industrial Complex
I’ve read lots of interesting takes on Afghanistan over the past two days. However, the echoes of Julian Assange are consistently playing in the background. Over a decade ago, Julian warned us that Afghanistan was just part of a transnational plot to extract money from US and European taxpayers and wash it through Afghanistan. He said it, and they chased him down.
What many of us call the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) is what Julian Assange warned us about. Due to his work at Wikileaks scouring over thousands of pages of documents sent to him by whistleblowers who couldn’t stand what they were seeing and doing for the wealthy military contractors, he got to see the damage to the civilians and the innocent people. But, at the same time, he got to see the taxpayer money flowing from the US and NATO countries into the hands of the MIC/Beltway Bandits.
US Military is Killing Innocent Civilians
This was from a Guardian article eleven years ago:
A huge cache of secret US military files today provides a devastating portrait of the failing war in Afghanistan, revealing how coalition forces have killed hundreds of civilians in unreported incidents, Taliban attacks have soared and Nato commanders fear neighbouring Pakistan and Iran are fuelling the insurgency.
The disclosures come from more than 90,000 records of incidents and intelligence reports about the conflict obtained by the whistleblowers’ website WikiLeaks in one of the biggest leaks in US military history. The files, which were made available to the Guardian, the New York Times and the German weekly Der Spiegel, give a blow-by-blow account of the fighting over the last six years, which has so far cost the lives of more than 320 British and more than 1,000 US troops.
The files given to Wikileaks told of the murdering of innocent civilians. President Joe Biden told us yesterday about Afghanistan being one big lie, Julian was saying. We weren’t building a democratic society. Our purpose for being there was so the MIC could extract trillions of dollars from US taxpayers. For this:
The Criminals Lie Within the Pentagon
These same people, the MIC, and their shareholders want to build up an offensive against nuclear-armed China and Russia. Meanwhile, our Department of Justice is holding Julian Assange in a London maximum security prison, hoping to extradite him for reporting war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan eleven years ago. Journalism which netted him awards around the globe.
After the debacle we just witnessed in Afghanistan, we should be letting Julian loose with a bundle of cash and giant apology and filling his cell with top Pentagon officials, MIC executives, and the puppet regime we set up in Afghanistan.
The lawyers at the Department of Justice should be sending indictments to the war profiteers who plundered a minimum of $2.4 trillion from United States taxpayers over the past twenty years, which was exactly what Julian Assange and Wikileaks said about it eleven years ago.