4 Important Business Safety Tips
Starting a business can be a considerable challenge, and many different considerations must be made to find success. From deciding on whether to rent out an office space or work remotely to hiring your winning team – any decision you make can have an impact.
Investing in the safety and security of your business is incredibly important, and this is why today we will be discussing this topic. From setting up bot protection on your computers to creating access levels for sensitive data – here are the essential safety tips you need to know.
Schedule Audits
You can do an audit every so often to make sure that you know what documents you have in the business and that you also take stock of how secure everything is in the business. You must do an audit once a year to ensure that you know your assets and that everything is safe and secured. After you carry out an audit on the business, you can look at ways to improve your systems to make sure that your documents are locked up and safe from hackers.
Shred your documents
As a business in this day and age, many of our important files and documents are on the computer; however, you will likely still end up with a lot of paper around the office from letters and payroll documents, amongst other things. It would help if you didn’t keep anything you don’t need because this can be a huge security risk to your business.
If anyone does get their hands on your sensitive letters or documents, this can be dangerous for the company and you. This is why you should take anything you don’t need anymore and shred it every week or every month. If you recycle at home, you can even take the paper and add it to the compost bin, and it will completely decompose. Any method you can use to get rid of documents is a good idea, and it will protect your business and make sure that no information gets into the wrong hands.
It is imperative when running a business that needs to communicate within itself that you have a shared drive on the server, which all users can access to share documents and files and use for meetings and such. In a shared file, you will likely have a different folder for each business department, for example, buying, marketing, logistics, sales, etc. This is where you should add access levels to the computer.
For example, when you have a purchasing team and a sales team in your business, you will never want the sales team to access the purchasing team files. This is because often, a purchasing team will have lists of products they are negotiating to buy, but ones they haven’t purchased yet. Sales workers often work on commission for your business, and they will often try to see if they can PREsell items that the company hasn’t acquired yet. Stopping them from accessing these files allows you to be safe and make sure that the sales team doesn’t sell a product you don’t even have.
You can also add access passwords onto the finance side of the business because this folder will likely have the information for all employees, including their details and their wages. Always be sure to choose who has access very carefully to be on the safe side.