9 Ways to Stay Cool During the Summer
According to NASA, 2020 was actually the hottest year on record. What makes this alarming is that previously, 2016 was regarded as being the hottest year on record. Gavin Schmidt, director of Goddard Institute for Space Studies, proclaimed that the last seven years were the hottest seven years on record. Therefore, they believe that this trend will continue into the foreseeable future and 2021 may be just as hot, if not more so, than 2020.
You do not want to end up in the hospital with a heatstroke with an IV bag hanging on an IV pole. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to beat the summer heat and stay cool. Let’s take a look at what those are.
Ceiling and Portable Fans
If you don’t own an HVAC system, ceiling and portable fans can help to cool you off. While they may not be able to cool the air as an HVAC system can, they can create a chilly breeze that causes a cooling effect when it touches your skin. One of the things you can do to maximize your fan’s cooling ability is to place a container of rice and water in front of your fan. This will help to create a refreshing mist of air.
It’s also worth noting that even if you have an air conditioner, you can still benefit from using a fan. Based on the fact that portable fans circulate the air in your house, it can help to alleviate some of the burdens that your air conditioner experiences as it runs for extended periods of time.
Cold Showers and Ice Water
When it comes to going outdoors, one of the best things you can do is to take a cold shower. This will help to reinforce your skin, improve blood circulation, and lower your body’s core temperature before you go outside where you will be exposed to the full intensity of the sun. Additionally, drinking cold water can help to prevent heat strokes and heat exhaustion as well as to keep you hydrated.
Avoid Using the Oven
It’s a known fact that using the stove alone can raise the temperature in a house and using the oven greatly exacerbated the issue. Therefore, it’s recommended that you minimize your use of an oven during the summer season. Not only will using the oven raise the temperature of your home, but it can also create excessive amounts of humidity.
Reduce Protein and Sodium Intake
Foods that are rich in protein and sodium can actually cause you to lose water at a much faster rate than you would if you ate a healthy balanced meal filled with fruits and vegetables. Additionally, protein and sodium produce metabolic heat whenever they are consumed. For instance, consuming a 12-ounce steak can raise your body’s core temperature by as much as 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Plant Trees in Your Yard
Even though trees may take several years before they are fully grown, they can provide shade to your lawn as well as increase the aesthetic value of your landscape. A large leafy tree can actually reduce degrees when it comes to your home’s internal temperature. However, if the idea of waiting for a tree to grow sounds impractical, you can utilize an awning for the same purpose.
Evaluate and Upgrade Insulation
Whenever most people think about insulation, they typically associate it with keeping the house warm. But not only does insulation provide warmth during the winter, but it can also stop cold air from escaping a home during the summer season.
Eat Spicy Foods
Even though this may seem counterproductive at first glance, there’s actually some science behind it. When you think about it, people who live in some of the hottest places on the planet tend to love spicy food, such as Mexico and Morocco. Science says that consuming spicy foods can cause your skin to sweat. When air makes contact with sweat, it can have a cooling effect on your body’s core temperature.
Use Sheets Instead of Comforter
Many people use comforters when it comes to snuggling up and going to sleep year-round. During the summer season, it’s highly recommended that you use something that’s more breathable instead, such as cotton sheets.
Keep Curtains Drawn
Regardless if you run your HVAC system 24/7 during the summer season, you should keep your curtains drawn. It will help to save energy as well as to keep your home cool. Direct sunlight can raise your home’s internal temperature, especially if it hits a piece of furniture or wall which will absorb the heat and make your HVAC system work much harder. Therefore, get into the habit of keeping your curtains drawn, especially when you leave your home.