Self Care: Are You Ignoring Your Personal Health?
Silent Signs You’re Ignoring Self Care
Self-care is a trending issue during the pandemic, especially for those who get depressed easily. If you find that you are constantly sleeping all the time, then you may have a more severe problem on your hands. Your body sends you signals that you are not taking good care of yourself, and if you take note of them, this will help you live a longer, healthier, and fuller life. However, if you are determined to live a healthy lifestyle, your body can still suffer without getting the right vitamins. To find out more, then take a look below.
You have a Low Sex Drive
The demands of parenting can quickly drive down your sexual desire. You may have a hormonal issue when your libido is low and things feel out of the flow. Talk with your doctor to see if you can get your hormones analyzed and find out if you can do anything to get things back on track. If you have a hormonal imbalance, then you may find that this leads to much more severe conditions, including heart problems, weight gain, and even blood pressure issues.
You’re Stressed Out
Did you know that you can manage your stress by simply dealing with the source? Whether it is work, your relationship, or even a general concern with your life. When you’re stressed, the hormone cortisol can spike, and this can cause you to feel moody and anxious. All of this can lead to poor cognitive function, and it can cause you to have a lower libido. This will translate to a lower level of self-worth.
High cortisol levels can also cause you to experience more body fat, and you may even find that you have a lower level of confidence as a result. But, of course, this is the last thing that you need, so make sure that you put in the work to combat this if you possibly can. You’ll feel better in no time if you make a change now. If you are stressed because of your health or back, it may be wise to see a chiropractor.
You’ve stopped looking after yourself
One of the most prominent signs that you’re ignoring your health is that you’re just not looking after yourself. When was the last time you had an eye test? When was the last time you bothered with your retainers? It’s a classic sign of depression and low mood that you would just quit on yourself. You don’t deserve to look after yourself or be looked after in the back of your mind.
You believe that you don’t deserve to be beautiful or stand tall, so just… don’t. Instead of doing this, you can start small. Don’t be overwhelmed by checking for an Invisalign dentist near me so that you can straighten your teeth. Instead, start with just brushing and flossing again. See an optician and get an eye test but be okay with glasses and look at lenses later. There are plenty of ways to start small when you look after yourself, and it’s time to recognize what you’re doing before it’s too late and you end up forgetting how.
You’re Having Brain Fog
After what feels like a good rest, you may wake up feeling spacey. You may find that you forget your wallet or that you walk out without your keys. It would help if you did not chalk this up to simple aging. Brain fog can easily indicate something way more severe, such as a hormonal imbalance.
For women, lapses can indicate that they have a dysfunctional thyroid. If you are concerned that this is the case, you may want to get some bloodwork done. This will give you a good idea of what is going wrong, and it will also help you know it is the cause of your brain fog. Also, if you don’t have the suitable bacterium in your gut, this may cause you to experience brain fog, so keep that in mind if you can.