Small Business: Remote Or Office-Based Team
If you’ve set up a small business and are seeing an increase in demand, you will need to take on staff to support your venture. Having a team on board can ensure that you have people working on all areas of your business that need maintenance (customer support, marketing, supply chain, or anything else). This will help to keep operations ticking over, customers happy, and your business growing.
Of course, building your first team can be daunting. Knowing where to start is hard if you haven’t been hired or recruited. Nowadays, an additional decision must be made – do you want a remote team or an in-office team? Here are some tips that can help you to make this decision.
Building a Remote Team
Remote teams were rare in the past, but they’re boosting in popularity and are becoming much more commonplace. Assemble a remote team that will work from their own homes. There are benefits to this from both sides. First, remote work is often desirable for employees because they can work from the comfort of their homes without having to spend time or money commuting to an office. From your side, you can cut out all commercial premises costs, including commercial property rent, electric, gas, water, maintenance, and more. Here are some essentials for a remote team.
Your team will need a host of software to work well together. This means video call software, instant messaging software, file-sharing software, and more.
Team Building
You need to ensure that your team is bonding well so they can work together. This will require more regular team building than office-based staff, who will bond through simply sharing space and chatting throughout the day.
Building an Office-Based Team
Office-based teams are much more traditional. This is a tried and tested method; you can see what your staff are up to during their working hours. You provide a workspace, and the team benefits from physically seeing one another, approaching one another with questions, and having face-to-face meetings and discussions. Here’s what you’ll need for an office-based team.
A Premises
Finding the right premises for your staff to work from requires a lot of thought. You need to consider cost, accessibility, size, parking options, public transport links, and much more. When you find the right one, though, you’re generally set.
Heating and Cooling Systems
You need to moderate the temperature of your office through effective heating systems and Affordacool Swamp Coolers. This will ensure staff can focus while working rather than sweating or shivering.
Bathroom and Kitchen Facilities
Your office should have bathrooms and kitchen facilities where staff can store and heat up their lunches or make hot drinks.
Furniture and Equipment
Of course, you will also need to invest in ergonomically designed furniture and equipment for your teams, such as desks, chairs, and more.
These are just a few starting blocks to work with, but hopefully, they will help you see which direction best suits your needs.