Climate Change: Indiana’s Todd Rokita Sues Top Banks
Attorney General takes a stand for top U.S. polluters and opaque donors
Muncie, Indiana – Indiana’s Attorney General, Todd Rokita, adds his name to the list of captured grandstanders for top polluters – contributors to climate change catastrophe. Regarding overreacting for Charles Koch, who funds the far-right’s political movement in this country, you can always count on Todd Rokita to be front and center. Todd uses state resources to coordinate a lawsuit against top U.S. banks like Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo.
According to Todd’s press release:
“These banks appear to be colluding with the UN (United Nations) to destroy American companies that specialize in fossil fuels or otherwise depend on them for energy,” Attorney General Rokita said. “They are pushing an investment strategy designed not to maximize financial returns but to impose a leftist social and economic agenda that cannot otherwise be implemented through the ballot box.”
I’m not sure that divesting in fossil fuels causing irreparable damage to the planet is a poor “economic agenda” by these banks. The costs inflicted on countries across the globe are increasing daily as each new storm destroys one country after another, especially in the global south. Leaders in Pakistan and India are begging other countries at the United Nations to take a stand against carbon contributors like Koch Industries and BP Oil. Still, even they are pushing towards a greener environment.
Climate Change is the Top Priority
These reactionaries like Todd Rokita are playing to a political base that is shrinking by the day. Climate change deniers have been controlled by a complacent and fraudulent media that has sold out to polluters across the globe. Yesterday, it was revealed that 85% of U.S. waters are contaminated. Indiana is one of the Top 5 Dirtiest States thanks to political sellouts in Indianapolis, Indiana, who’ve placed campaign contributions over the planet and people.
Todd even admits this in his lawsuit’s press release above by saying that banks are placing the planet before they maximize financial returns. What an incredible statement to make in 2022!
Todd didn’t mention that the banks have been dragging their feet because of the oil and gas industry’s clout and influence. I’m not sure what “woke-ism” is, but Todd might want to diversify his cable TV viewing channels before making embarrassing remarks like this:
This new woke-ism in the financial sector poses a real threat to everyday Hoosiers,” Attorney General Rokita said. “Indiana’s farmers, truck drivers, and fuel-industry workers are hurt when the radical Left attacks whole segments of our economy. And it’s troubling that these banks in the Net-Zero Banking Alliance are taking marching orders from UN globalists all-too-eager to undermine America’s best interests.
The “UN globalists” are led by the United States and its allies in Europe. Therefore, we recommend that Todd Rokita expand his knowledge and representation to include all of Indiana and the world before launching lawsuits against U.S. corporations. The interests of the people and planet that support him should come first before the corporations that donate money to his campaign coffers. Selective prosecution earns Indiana a lousy reputation.