Muncie Higher Than Average Tornado Risk
According to the Indiana Tornado Risk Index and our Muncie Fieldhouse know only too well, extreme weather, including tornados, can happen in Muncie. But what does that mean for those that live and have businesses in the area?
Well, we must be more aware of extreme weather’s risks. It also means that taking additional precautions against extreme weather is just about one of the most sensible things we can do. If we want to ensure that our businesses and homes last the course. The good news is you can find out about the best of these precautions in the post below.
Minimize the risk of a power surge
One way to reduce the risk to your property from extreme weather is to remember that power outages often happen during storms, tornados, or floods.
Unfortunately, when the power comes back on, it can cause damage due to surging in appliances which can be a fire risk. With that in mind, unplugging any appliances is the best approach when you know that there is bad weather on the way. You can reduce the risk when the power comes back on when you are not there.
Pay attention to the roof
Ensuring you have a secure roof is crucial if you expect extreme weather. That means checking for loose and missing tiles before the storm hits is vital, not only because they can act as projectiles in the storm but because they will also let the rain in.
Of course, if you would instead not go through the hassle and stress of checking your roof tiles every time, there’s a storm, an alternative roofing material can help. Indeed, by choosing metal roof installation, you can ensure the best protection against extreme weather. Oh, and it looks great and is accessible on the wallet compared to other roofing types.
Reduce the risk of property damage from trees
Another significant risk to property in bad weather is when branches and trees fall. Heavy rain and wind can cause old or dying branches to fall, which can damage property and risk people’s safety.
The good news is that you can reduce the likelihood of branches falling during a wind storm in Muncie by keeping your trees well-trimmed, especially those around or overhanging your house.
However, do remember to dispose of any cut branches correctly because they can easily be picked up by strong winds and remain a risk if they are on your property.
Check the perimeter of your property
You can also minimize the chance of extreme weather damage to your property by making sure you do a check of not only the building but the perimeter as well. Be sure to look out for loose fencing and building doors, which could end up as projectiles by the wind during a storm in Muncie and blow into other properties.