Did the CIA Hand a Brass Ring to Julian Assange’s Case?
British High Court Will Set Assange Free
Being a journalist following the actions of the US government against Julian Assange, you begin to pick up on their patterns, especially when it comes to national security matters. News stories or leaks magically occur to help lay the groundwork for things to come. But, you ask yourself, “Are these coincidences?” It’s almost like watching a conspiracy unfold in a backward sort of way…like a book developing chapter by chapter.
That’s the sense I picked up on reading several articles surrounding the Julian Assange case this past few months. Julian has been punished for over a decade for releasing embarrassing military and intelligence cables. But, unfortunately, he also exposed the dirty secrets of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), or more specifically, the Hillary Clinton campaign’s effort in sabotaging Bernie Sander’s primary bid for president in 2016.
Let’s take a closer look at what has been released while the extradition hearing of Julian Assange occurred last week coupled with Stella Moris’s successful lawsuit to allow them to get married in Belmarsh prison.
CIA Leaks About Mike Pompeo
On September 26, we learned that Mike Pompeo classified Julian Assange and Wikileaks as “hostile state actors” so the CIA could plot ways to exterminate both.
From Yahoo News:
In 2017, as Julian Assange began his fifth year holed up in Ecuador’s embassy in London, the CIA plotted to kidnap the WikiLeaks founder, spurring heated debate among Trump administration officials over the legality and practicality of such an operation.
Some senior officials inside the CIA and the Trump administration even discussed killing Assange, going so far as to request “sketches” or “options” for how to assassinate him. Discussions over kidnapping or killing Assange occurred “at the highest levels” of the Trump administration, said a former senior counterintelligence official. “There seemed to be no boundaries.”
This is disturbing that our CIA and State Department have these kinds of weapons at their disposal. Merrick Garland and Congress’s Adam Schiff should investigate immediately with the intent of eliminating this departmental overreach to commit crimes against humanity. Adam Shiff began the process on October 19th.
Pompeo Orders Investigation of CIA Leaks
Three days later, in September, Mike Pompeo learns about these leaks. He didn’t deny them. What he did was demand an investigation into the leaks claiming those who talked with the press should be prosecuted, or more precisely:
“I can’t say much about this other than whoever those 30 people who allegedly spoke to one of these [Yahoo News] reporters — they should all be prosecuted for speaking about classified activity inside the Central Intelligence Agency,” Pompeo said.
At the same time, Pompeo declined to respond to many of the details in the Yahoo News account and confirmed that “pieces of it are true,” including the existence of an aggressive CIA campaign to target WikiLeaks in the aftermath of the organization’s publication of highly sensitive so-called Vault 7 documents revealing some of the CIA’s hacking tools and methods.
By the way, Mike Pompeo was trending on Twitter yesterday. He appeared to have lost about fifty pounds and was unrecognizable, prompting many to speculate about the loss of sleep and nerves. Maybe he feels like he is being played as a scapegoat, or worse, a patsy.
House Intelligence Committee Asks for Information
Then, on October 19, Adam Schiff let the world know that as Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, he asked the IC for information related to Mike Pompeo’s investigation into Julian Assange. Maybe this is why Mike has lost so much weight. Not being able to eat for a month would cause rapid weight loss.
According to the Schiff interview:
The House Intelligence Committee is seeking information about a Yahoo News report that CIA officials plotted to kidnap Julian Assange from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London in 2017 after WikiLeaks published documents describing the spy agency’s hacking tools.
“We are seeking information about it now,” said Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff, the committee chairman, in an interview on the Yahoo News “Skullduggery” podcast.
Schiff added that, as the ranking Democrat on the intelligence panel in 2017, he was never briefed about the CIA’s plans to target Assange. But he said the committee had reached out “to the agencies” — an apparent reference to the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) — after reading about the Yahoo News account describing deep divisions within the Trump administration, including objections from White House lawyers, over the CIA’s plans for unusually aggressive measures to cripple WikiLeaks that had been proposed by then agency Director Mike Pompeo.
I’m not sure about anyone else, but if I am a judge in England, overseeing an extradition request from a country that I know was planning to murder the defendant in my case, I would have second thoughts about releasing him to that country or else I’d look like an accomplice to murder. The British High Court is now facing that same connection. They could have told both prosecutor and defense lawyers they would not allow the above testimony to be heard until Schiff settled the matter. Instead, they allowed Julian’s lawyers to present this evidence on record.
Quite frankly, I believe it was intentional.
Improper Motivation & RussiaGate
Bear with me a second…while the Pentagon and CIA looked bad in what Julian had reported in 2011, he was correct, and the truth is now known around the world that the US War Machine is a mass murderer of men, women, and children. It wasn’t a one-off thing.
The exit in Kabul, Afghanistan was a killing of innocent women and children, and we just learned of bombs in Syria killing innocent civilians because of another military whistleblower. It’s obviously a pattern of poor decision-making.
Julian’s truth-seeking journalism has been confirmed, so we can’t very well punish him for that. The Pentagon has to let go of their vindictive case and focus on their credibility issues. Clean house and install accountability measures for wrongdoings. Let the whistleblowers go free. Bring Edward Snowden home. We spend way too much on the military when the real existential threat is climate chaos.
The Clinton Problem
However, there remains one person that also has a personal vendetta against Julian Assange who couldn’t let go – Hillary Clinton. She is still seething about her loss to Trump and her chance to make history as the first female POTUS. Not only did she lose the general election to what history will establish as the worst president in our history, but her campaign created a national situation for the Intelligence Community. Hillary and John Podesta used lawyers and their media connections to create a giant lie that manifested into RussiaGate (Trump isn’t the only one with a Big Lie). It was mostly a giant waste of time and money and there was also an unsolved murder involved.
Aaron Mate with The Gray Zone has been methodically dissecting the RussiaGate story as two indictments of Hillary’s campaign lawyers have come down recently by Special Counsel John Durham. Glenn Greenwald on Substack has also taken some whacks.
In a recent appearance, Adam Schiff has done a complete reversal on the FBI’s John Durham and RussiaGate:
Schiff was pressed on this during a recent appearance on The View when asked if he had any reflections on his role in promoting the dossier.
“Well, first of all, whoever lied to the FBI or lied to Christopher Steele should be prosecuted — and they are,” Schiff said. “And unlike in the Trump administration, if they are convicted, they should go to jail, not be pardoned … If people lied to the FBI, they should go to jail.”
Schiff added: “But at the beginning of the Russia investigation, I said that any allegations should be investigated. We couldn’t have known, for example, people were lying to Christopher Steele.”
Consortium News introduces Improper Motivation
This brings me to “improper motivation,” which was recently shared in a great article by Joe Lauria in Consortium News titled, “What’s Next for Julian Assange?” Joe runs through several scenarios that could play out for Julian under the British High Court. However, this jumped off the page at me:
Mercouris said it is a hopeful sign for Assange that his lawyers were able to discuss the Yahoo! report at the hearing of the High Court. The court normally does not permit new evidence. Significantly, the U.S. lawyers did not contest it. In the September 2020 extradition hearing, Lewis had called talk of assassination plots against Assange “palpable nonsense.” At the High Court Lewis said nothing after hearing details of the Yahoo! story.
“There is some mystery here, and it could be that there has been a behind-the-scenes argument about the admissibility of this evidence — with a decision taken to allow it — which we do not know about,” Mercouris said.
I do not believe this was an accident. I believe this “mystery” is Julian Assange’s brass ring. From my involvement in court cases, this was an intentional insert given to the British High Court by the CIA to bail out both the US and UK governments. Maybe they’ll toss Pompeo under the bus or not. Maybe Schiff just asking for information is enough and might be the source of Mike’s weight loss. If I knew the CIA and Justice Department was coming for my ass, I might have a hard time eating or sleeping.
To rap this up, I’m a journalist who relies on fact-finding but I am also a spiritual being with a connection to something much greater than myself. One of the principles of this greater good is truth. Julian Assange is a gifted man at seeking the truth but he is also a spiritual being that is much needed in this world today.
His gift got him in trouble by holding a bad group of people accountable. He beat them at their own game and it pissed them off. They retaliated the best way they knew how. They used the law as a weapon. When Julian evaded them by seeking political asylum in an Ecuadorian Embassy with the help of Rafael Correa, a great socialist leader, that really pissed them off. So they spied on him and waited for their opportunity.
The opportunity came when Lenin Moreno was elected to succeed Rafael as President of Ecuador. Lenin was groomed by Rafael but someone within the Trump administration, with the help of the late casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, got to Lenin and he sold out the country and Julian Assange. Lenin turned out to be a weak man. The macro story is all on Wikipedia. The details are waiting for a fact-finding truth teller to fill in the details.
Even the United Nations has gotten involved with Nils Melzer, and the gifted Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi has written a book about Julian and the Wikileaks case. As the saying goes, “The truth shall set you free.”
It was only a matter of time before Julian was set free because he did nothing wrong. Journalism isn’t espionage. Investigative journalism is holding the powerful accountable. Of course it is going to piss off the bad guys. That’s the point! The crap we see on television, radio, and print is all fluff and propaganda. It’s shallow like stenography. Our universities teach our young people to be digital storytellers but not truth seekers. Why?
Everybody wants to know what the solution is to our world’s dysfunction. It’s the truth. We the people need to know the truth about our government. And, the government needs to hold the private sector accountable. Checks and balances. Without them, we have kleptocracy or criminals running the show. We need Julian Assange and Wikileaks needs to be the global model for media. We’d all pay for a subscription to the truth, woudln’t we?