
Do Not Pass The Save Act

Dear editor, I’m an American citizen and a resident of Madison county.

The SAVE Act will be detrimental to many citizens who want to exercise their RIGHT to vote. As someone who at one point struggled to get my identification documents because I was born out of state, along with the red tape, and fees associated with getting said documents, I feel as though this is just an unnecessary way to handle a fictional problem, that has yet been proven to actually be a threat to our democracy.

Why the Save Act Threatens Our Democracy

Our useless Republican Senators and congressional district person V. Spartz are not upholding their oath to our constitution and ensuring that citizens rights are protected by listening to their constituents. They need to be held accountable which is why I am writing you today:

Do not be complicit or silent, please use the voice of the paper to reach the community to make sure they stay informed and connected. If we want to continue to have freedom we must ALL do our part to ensure our democracy stands against fascism.


Morgan Mullins

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