About: Muncie Voice
Muncie Voice is an independent news outlet with over 384,000 global subscribers. Our mission is to restore power to the Fourth Estate by holding the government, media, and private sector accountable.
Todd Smekens is the Founder with over a decade in journalism and publishing:
In the 1930s, a sociological study called the “Middletown Studies” called Muncie, Indiana, the “microcosm of the USA.”
Many writers have traveled here to learn about the ongoing “democracy” project – a decaying automotive hub turned UniverCity.
A community run by oligarchs where the aging class structure is easily identified, as are the systemic racial boundaries.
The community struggles to create a new identity in a post-capitalist America.
Middletown Media has acquired the digital assets Muncie Voice and Muncie Matters. Muncie Voice has a growing subscriber base across the globe focusing on Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. We have quality journalists and writers across the country who contribute to our digital news site and utilize long-form journalism to give readers an informed view requiring critical thinking. We are not propaganda media. Our role as the free press is to hold the powerful in government accountable.
The governments in the Atlantic North are oligarchies that have captured the media and political parties. Therefore, our role is to hold the oligarchs, media, and the politicians they control accountable.
The ethics of Muncie Voice comes from the members of the Society of Professional Journalists. They believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. Ethical journalism ensures the free exchange of accurate, fair, and thorough information. An honest journalist acts with integrity. For further illustration, please visit the SPS website at: https://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp.