
Muncie Taxpayers Pay WLBC to Produce ‘News’

The "News" Is Now Paid Advertising

In Muncie, we’ve already learned that the local newspaper, The StarPress, has been swallowed into a black hole owned by a Japanese mega-corporate conglomerate called Softbank. So now, the Oligarch-controlled Next Muncie and Chamber of Commerce digital rag that puff them up are paid by Muncie taxpayers to produce ‘news stories’ for the City of Muncie. Yes, Muncie Journal, a creation of Woof Boom radio, and the Chamber of Commerce pays J Chapman’s (non-resident of Delaware County) company to cover the Mayor’s shenanigans and titles it ‘news.’

Poor Thomas Jefferson is rolling over in his grave as the free press he once gave tremendous powers to hold the government accountable is paid by the government to cover their events and bring drones for an impressive effect. It’s called advertising, but the government calls it “news.”

News is Propaganda No Matter What They Claim

Those of us holding the government accountable are shunned by both political parties and supporters for not dousing them with praise and admiration. We are actually following the powers enshrined by the constitution, but our government shuns us, and so do the puppets who identify with those corrupt and inept political parties.

What’s even worse, as locally-owned companies, we have to pay taxes to politicians who use our money to enrich non-residents who shower them with praise. Jesus said, give Rome what is due Rome, but come on, man!

It’s also embarrassing that many of the locals praise both the newspaper and Muncie Journal as hometown entities while shunning Muncie Voice is a creation by a Muncie resident but shares uncomfortable truths about their corrupt city and county which is exactly what our Founders established the press to do. These residents literally want to pay to be lied to.

In other words, the press in Delaware County and Muncie, Indiana is paid out-of-town propaganda or advertising. According to Wikipedia, propaganda is defined as:

Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence an audience and further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented.

As Albert Einstein told us in 1949, our economic oligarchs control the press or media and our political parties, rendering our so-called democratic republic non-existent:

Moreover, under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights.

It’s so bizarre at this point that crooks are paying crooks to make them look good, and taxpayers are paying them to do it and defend it. If that isn’t some twisted shit, I don’t know what is.

However, I’m working on a story now that will blow your mind ever further. Trust me on this one. Until the next episode of, “Why News Matters.”

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