Brand Positioning Research That Will Connect You to Customers
Building brand positioning is the most effective way to win the love of your target audience. It also persuades them that your service or product is fantastic and that they can always use it.
Branding remains a reliable way to properly communicate with your target audience and enhance your brand’s identity in their minds.
So, to adequately express your business message, you must understand how brand positioning influences your company’s operations and how much interest your target market pays to your products. Figuring this out will help you build a successful brand.
To assist, we surveyed customers and evaluated how they reacted to organizations with classic and traditional tones vs. brands with fresh and modern tones.
What is the Study’s Objective?
What we wanted to achieve with this study was to understand the kinds of companies that specific customer demographics are more inclined to buy from and how this varies by age range.
Understanding this will enhance your ability to connect your company’s name and other brand elements to your customer’s needs, increasing the chance of your venture’s success.
And to achieve the study’s aim, we asked American customers if they prefer doing business with well-known, well-established firms or with innovative, up-and-coming ones.
Here’s Why That Question was Critical
Recognize that selecting an attractive tone is one of your most essential decisions when launching or rebranding your business. Understanding your target demographic and your organization’s identity is critical for building a distinct brand tone.
And just like every entrepreneur must devote time to crafting creative names of business, you too must commit to selecting the appropriate tone since it’d enhance your brand’s positioning and influence how the public views you.
Your chosen tone influences your consumers’ interests and your company’s reputation. You cannot afford to overlook this since it is critical to creating your company’s image when you first start.
Seven Key Findings From Our Survey
To better understand our results, we separated the people we surveyed into several age groups. And even though our findings weren’t explosive, the feedback we received was intriguing.
Here’s what we discovered from the 301 participants in our survey.
- New and modern companies are significantly more likely to attract clients under the age of 30 than older and traditional companies.
Courtesy: Squadhelp
- The survey showed that individuals between the ages of 35 and 45 are evenly split between the two possibilities, making them less inclined to pick one over the other.
Via Squadhelp
- People between the ages of 45 and 54 choose more traditional, well-known, and established businesses.
Courtesy: Squadhelp
- Customers between 55 and 65 are drawn to traditional, trustworthy, and well-established brands.
Via: Squadhelp
- According to the survey, men had no preference for modern brands or traditional ones.
Courtesy: Squadhelp
- On the other hand, women tend to patronize established and trustworthy businesses over fresh and modern ones.
Via: Squadhelp
- Of 301 participants, 148 chose new, modern brands, and 153 chose classic and traditional ones.
Courtesy: Squadhelp
So, according to our findings, you’re free to give your brand a modern or a traditional tone as long as it fits the needs of your target audience.
How to Apply the Results of Our Survey
It takes time and hard work to develop a solid brand identity. The simplest way to deal with this problem is to research your customers extensively and use the information you discover to build your brand. By doing so, you may be able to create an engaging brand that your customers will like.
Our findings show millennials love youthful, modern, disruptive, and innovative businesses, whereas boomers and Gen Xers prefer traditional, well-established, and respected companies.
Younger clients will be attracted if your firm has a bright, current, and innovative brand image; older customers will be attracted if your organization has a strong historical identity.
Knowing this can save you the time and resources you’d have spent correcting errors due to a lack of information needed to define the brand tone that will interest your core demographic. Grant Polachek is the head of branding for Squadhelp.com, 3X Inc 5000 startup and disruptive naming agency. Squadhelp has reviewed over 1 million names and curated a collection of the best available names on the web today. We are the world’s leading crowdsource naming platform, supporting clients from early-stage startups to Fortune 500 companies.