
Ease Transition To A New School

Summer is fast approaching, which means one thing, it will be the end of another school year. Although it isn’t here yet, it’s not too early to start thinking about the upcoming new school year and the steps you can take to ensure your kids are prepared and ready for the next milestones. 

Now, we’re not saying that you should be wishing their life away, however, staying one step ahead when it comes to school can help them in the future. This applies even more when your kids are starting a new school or moving to the next school stage. With some preparation and planning now, you can enjoy the summer and give your kids more time to relax before starting their new year. 

So, let’s have a look at how you can help your kids be ready for their next school year: 

Get To Know Their Current Situation 

Ok, so this school year hasn’t finished yet, however. You can start gathering the information you need to ensure your kids are hitting the grades and milestones they should be to be prepared for the next school year. Talk to the teachers and get an idea of what they need to do to meet their targets, and ask about the next steps. If your kids are already meeting the milestones and levels they should be at, you could help them to get a head start for the next year. You could use resources such as top guru to either support a child that needs more support or to advance a child that is ready to advance. Every child is different, however, doing extracurricular activities at home can be beneficial for all. 

Take Advantage Of The Orientation 

Before each school year many schools offer pupils an orientation day before each school year, especially when a younger child starts a bigger school. They can attend the school for a ‘get to know’ session and familiarize themselves with their new environment. It gives you and them time to get to know their teacher and limit their anxiety before their first day. You should take advantage of these where you can. 

Teach Your Kids About Getting Along With Others 

It’s normal for kids to feel a little nervous about meeting new people, including their teacher and new pupils. If you are new to the school or area, it could be a good idea to try and get to know other kids starting the same year before the new school year. It will help them feel at ease and more comfortable seeing a familiar face when they arrive at the classroom on the first day. Try talking to their parents from groups online and do some get-togethers through the summer break. Many schools are happy to introduce parents to each other to help form friendships. If your child already has a friendship group, try to keep these connections through the summer break. Whether it’s play dates, arranging a day out, or allowing them to have a sleepover, it enables them to keep the friendships that they have built. 

Get Them Used To Spending Time Away 

When kids start school for the first time, it can be even more difficult if they aren’t used to spending time away from their parents. You need to make sure they feel comfortable to leave you for some periods, this way, they will ease into the new routine much better. Think of some ways you can get them used to saying goodbye and get used to the fact that you are returning and not leaving forever. 

Plan some days where they can go and stay with grandparents or friends for the day and practice the routine of saying goodbye. Hug them and explain that this goodbye will be very similar to saying goodbye when they start at their school. This way, they will have a familiar feeling and know what to expect when you say goodbye at school. It’s also a good idea to get them used to who their teacher will be. They need to be able to shift their focus from you to their teacher to learn well. Knowing who they are before they start can help this process. 

These are four good ways to help your kids get ready for starting a new school. Do you have any other tips that could help? Please share them in the comments below.

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