
Why Am I Feeling Dizzy?

Check for These Possible Causes

Feeling dizzy is something that most people have experienced at some point. Maybe it’s because you’ve spun around in a circle too many times or had an ear infection. Sometimes you might experience a fleeting moment of dizziness for whatever reason. However, there are times when feeling dizzy can occur more frequently. Being dizzy can also come with other symptoms, from feeling sick to losing balance. It can also have a variety of causes, so it’s not always easy to know what might be causing your dizziness. But there are some common causes that you might want to investigate if you find that you regularly feel dizzy.

Look at these possible causes of dizziness, and speak to a doctor if you’re concerned about frequent bouts of dizziness.

Dehydration or Low Blood Sugar

Dizziness can sometimes be caused by something rather simple. Fortunately, that means the fix for it can be simple too. If you haven’t had enough to drink or eat, it could make you feel dizzy. Dehydration can sneak up on you, and you might not realize you haven’t had enough to drink until you feel unwell. As well as dizziness, it can cause you to feel sick, give you headaches, or cause fatigue. If you haven’t had enough to eat, it can also make you feel faint or dizzy. Ensure you eat and drink enough throughout the day to keep dizziness at bay.

Changes in Blood Pressure

Changes in your blood pressure can also cause you to feel dizzy. More specifically, you can feel dizzy when your blood pressure changes with your posture. If you stand up from lying or sitting down, you might feel dizzy, especially if you stand up quickly. Your blood pressure drops slightly when you stand, but your body should regulate this. However, sometimes this process is interrupted, so the drop in blood pressure isn’t corrected as quickly as it should be. This is known as orthostatic or postural hypotension and can have several causes.

A Balance Disorder

If you’re feeling dizzy, it could be related to your balance system. Problems with balance can cause symptoms such as dizziness, vertigo, and nausea. Some things might put you temporarily off balance, such as a sinus infection or ear infection. A more permanent balance disorder can cause other balance problems. There is also a strong role played by hearing loss in balance development. The balance and hearing systems are linked due to sharing a nerve that goes to the brain and parts of the balance system in the ear. Treating hearing loss can help to address balance issues at the same time.

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Some medications may lead to dizziness on their own or when interacting with other medications. If you’re experiencing dizziness and take any medicine regularly, it’s a good idea to check the common side effects. Even if it’s not a commonly reported side effect of your medication, it’s still worth considering if it could cause your dizziness. Speaking to your doctor to see if you can switch to a different medication could be a good option if you find the dizziness hard to deal with.


You don’t have enough red blood cells or hemoglobin if you have anemia. One of the symptoms of anemia is feeling dizzy or light-headed so dizziness could be one indication of anemia. Other symptoms include headaches, having a fast heartbeat or palpitations, experiencing shortness of breath, or feeling weak or fatigued. There are different types of anemia, including iron deficiency and pernicious anemia, caused by a lack of vitamin B12. Anemia is diagnosed with a blood test, so you should see your doctor about suspected anemia.


It’s not just physical health problems that can cause dizziness. Mental health issues can also lead to physical symptoms, and anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions. Anxiety can cause various physical symptoms, including dizziness, palpitations, fast breathing, pins and needles, dry mouth, shaking, and more. You might not even realize you’re feeling mentally anxious when you feel these physical symptoms. There are many ways to address anxiety, from medication and therapy to meditation and other ways to relax.

Lots of things can cause dizziness. If you’re worried about what might make you dizzy, it’s always best to see a doctor.

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