
Bored: Try These Quick Fixes

Boredom seems to be a natural state of being; some lucky, lucky people never seem to feel it, and some people can become chronically bored and end up hating everything around them. However, the feeling can be invasive and consuming, and it can end up with you channel surfing on the sofa late in the evening, feeling like you’ve got nothing to do in life.

However, we can stop this feeling in its tracks. Boredom doesn’t have to take over your life, and there are many ways to beat it. Indeed, we’ve listed some of the best practices below for fending off stagnation, so feel free to take some inspiration from them.

Try Something New

Are you bored because your days are starting to blur? Feel like you’re living the same 24 hours over and over again? Are you stuck on Groundhog Day? We’ve all been there! You’re bored of what you get up to, and nothing but trying out something new is going to fix that. 

It doesn’t matter what you decide to do here, as long as it’s not something you usually do. So even when it’s late in the evening, and you don’t want just to hit the hay, you’ve still got the time to try out something new that’ll make a difference to your day. 

Channel the Energy

You’re bored because you’ve run out of ways to stimulate your brain. As we mentioned above, you’re doing the same 4 or 5 things over and over, and you need something new to do! So channel this energy – if you put your boredom into a new skill, you reduce the chance of feeling bored again. 

How does this work? By occupying your mind. Skill takes time and practice to master, and during those 40 to 50 hours, you’re unlikely to find yourself getting bored again. Why not pick up a paintbrush for the first time in your life? Use a prompt generator to give you an idea for a story? Or even download some sheet music and get the old keyboard out of the cupboard? No matter what it is, it’s a skill you can learn, and your brain will gobble that up! 

Dedicate This Time to Yourself

How long has it been since you had a self-care day? How do you feel in your body right now? Because if you’re bored and have nothing else to do today, it’s a good idea to dedicate this time to yourself

Run a hot bath and light some candles, do a face mask and paint your nails, even cook yourself up something healthy and fresh to eat – some self-care goes a very long way! And we always need a couple of hours a week to focus on ourselves, so don’t waste the chance. 

If you’re bored, you can beat that feeling back into oblivion! Try something new, totally occupy your mind, and even flop out and do something that feels good – it all works.

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