Make Outdoor Events Part Of Your Marketing Campaign
If you’re a business owner, you’re going to have an ever evolving list of marketing ideas. Set your goals, try out some ideas, see what leads you bring in, and repeat. However, have you ever considered outdoor events as a good way to connect with your customers? From festival tents to popup stands and booths at local conventions, outdoor events can be a worthy way of using your marketing budget. There are quite a few reasons why.
You Can Become a Recognizable Name
The more you pop up at outdoor events, the more your name is going to circulate. People are going to start to expect you, and for good reason! They know that what you have to offer is good, and that they’re going to be spending their cash on a quality business. And all you need to do in return is be consistent.
Of course, you won’t be able to attend every outdoor event, whether for scheduling or budgeting reasons. But the more you literally put your business out there, the more attention you’re going to get back. You can even create unique social media content around your attendance, going so far as to offer discounts for anybody who sees and likes your posts.
They Widen Your Audience
Outdoor events can introduce your company to a whole new section of the market. You get to explore new local areas, find new customers from this wider area, and hand out business cards to people who may never have thought to search for you before. You’re expanding your reach in real time, which can lead to an upsurge in website traffic as well.
The good news doesn’t stop there. Once you’re there, not only do you get more of an audience to sell to, but you have a much stronger chance of repeat custom as well. If you end up getting a whole tent to yourself, you can hire from food vending companies and temporary bar setups to keep people inside your tent for as long as possible. That could pump up your sales by another 20-30%.
They Provide a Chance to Impress In Person
It can often be easier for a company to convert a visitor to a customer through an in person interaction. When you’re face to face, not only are you talking in a sociable and friendly manner, but you can get to see what the customer is thinking and feeling. A chat bot, and even a telephone call, just doesn’t have the same to offer.
Impressing in person might take some courage and a bit of practice, but it’s the underscore of all in person marketing tactics. You’re taking the same customer forward energy you use online and applying it to the real world – it’s easier to manage than you think.
If you’ve never considered an outdoor event as a marketing method before, make sure you include it in your plans for the future. Sign up for a space to find out.