10 Things Not To Store On An Office Computer
Think before you save: expert explains the ten things your boss should never find on your PC
We all know our office computers are for work, but sometimes it can be tempting to blur the lines when you’re staring at them all day. Indeed, saving one cute photo of your dog on your work PC won’t hurt.
“Before you hit ‘save,’ imagine having to explain that file to your boss,” says Yassin Aberra, the CEO of Social Market Way, a digital marketing agency specializing in SEO. “Anything you wouldn’t want them to see shouldn’t be on your work computer.”
Below, Yassin runs through the top ten things you should never store on your office computer.
1. Private Photos Or Videos
Unless your boss specifically asked for a slideshow of your dog in Halloween costumes (and let’s hope they didn’t), keep your media off your work devices. IT teams routinely scan systems for suspicious files—imagine explaining your vacation swimsuit shots during a security check!
2. Personal Finance Anything
Your tax returns, bank statements, or spreadsheet tracking your online shopping addiction? None of that belongs on a work PC.
“If your work computer gets hacked, cybercriminals could make your wallet cry,” says Yassin. “And your boss won’t be thrilled about a breach caused by your budget spreadsheet, either.”
3. Medical Information
Are your recent lab results or prescription info stored on your work PC? Not only is it unprofessional, but it’s also a potential HIPAA violation. Your health is your business, but storing it on a work computer potentially makes it everyone else’s.
“Medical data on a compromised device could also lead to identity theft,” warns Yassin.
4. Games
Playing a quick round of Solitaire on your break might seem harmless, but installing or saving games on your work computer is a slippery slope. “Most importantly, it looks unprofessional and sends the wrong message to your boss,” says Yassin. “How do they know you’re not playing on company time? Save the games for your phone.”
Would your job be so much better with Photoshop or that unlicensed photo editor you found online? Too bad. Installing non-approved software could mess up the company’s network or open it up to viruses, and they’ll know it was you.
6. Any Saved Logins
That little “remember me” checkbox may seem convenient, but on a work computer, it’s like leaving your front door unlocked with a sign saying, “Come on in!” IT or a nosy colleague could stumble onto your accounts, or worse, your PC could be hacked.
7. Job Search Docs
If you’re writing your resignation letter on your boss’s computer, you might need a refresher on stealth. Even worse, if IT spots it, they might alert management. Oops.
“Preparing to leave on the company’s dime is unprofessional and could get you fired before you find something new,” says Yassin.
8. Controversial Or Inappropriate Content
Funny memes, political hot takes, or that off-color joke you saved? Don’t. If IT or HR spots it, you’re risking your reputation and potentially breaching company policies. Offensive or controversial content is often a direct violation of workplace ethics – and no, “It’s just a meme” won’t save you.
9. Anything To Do With Your Hobbies
Your fantasy football league, knitting patterns, or birdwatching logs have no business being on a work computer. Fun as they may be, hobbies don’t pay your salary. “Saving this type of material distracts you, wastes storage space, and will send the wrong signal about your priorities to your boss,” says Yassin.
10. Pirated Content
Storing or streaming pirated content on your office computer could put your company in legal hot water, which means big trouble for you. “Piracy is illegal, full stop,” says Yassin. “If the company gets fined, your name will be the first on the chopping block.”
Social Market Way is a digital marketing agency specializing in SEO, lead generation, and online visibility strategies. It focuses on helping businesses increase organic traffic, boost search engine rankings, and drive targeted leads to achieve measurable growth. With a data-driven approach, it crafts customized marketing plans tailored to each client’s industry and goals. Its services include content marketing, link building, local SEO, and reputation management aimed at delivering long-term success.