CountyPress Releases

Delaware County Commissioners Deny Press Conference To Discuss Fraud

“Elected Officials Do Not Have To Hold A Press Conference.”

Through email, County Commissioner Sherry Riggin directly, and James King and Shannon Henry, indirectly through their attorney, John Brooke, denied a press conference to discuss judicial fraud and misconduct during their watch. This journalist has reviewed the documents of one source in detail and been contacted by two other sources that suffered financial damages by fraud in Delaware County.

John Brooke, a longtime lawyer from Brooke Stevens, PC, in Muncie, Indiana representing the Delaware County, Indiana Commissioners on this press conference request, wrote: “The Commissioners are not required to conduct a press conference.”, further typing:

The County Commissioners are not required to conduct a press conference.  It was my understanding that you wanted to conduct a press conference to promote your story.  Commissioner Riggin has indicated that the Commissioners’ courtroom and facilities are not available for a private event to promote your story.

As I indicated before, the Commissioners are not responsible for, nor do they have any control over what transpires in the courts.  The Courts are a separate but equal branch of government and completely independent from the legislative and executive branches of government. 

The law is found in the US and Indiana constitutions and are part of the “separation of powers” doctrine.

This should conclude this matter.

John H. Brooke, Attorney at Law

The journalist has also invited State Representative Elizabeth Rowray via her press publicist but has not heard back.

Commissioner President Sherry Riggin wrote:

All the courtrooms of Delaware County are for the elected officials to do the public business. In all my years

I’ve have never seen any courtroom loaned out for one group to hold any special event.  It’s just not something that we can start for the NON elected community.

Now when the weather is nicer the outside has hosted events that people can call in for a time and date for such a public event.

Sherry Riggin, Delaware County Commissioner President

These elected officials have never attended a press conference based on their responses. I’m not even sure if they know the role of the press in this county. Lots of confusion among the Republican Commissioners and their lawyer.

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